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Moved to my own site!

In Uncategorized on July 11, 2014 at 06:08

Please follow my self-hosted blog on Art-nFolk site

Making eggs

In art, crafts, folk art, my artworks, painting, pattern, pen and ink, textile, textile art on March 20, 2014 at 17:59

Doing all sorts of eggs at the moment  – as symbols of the spring & blooming of life. They wood look good in numbers,  as table or mantelpiece decorations.


The first egg is covered by hand stitched fabric,  the second is wooden,  painted by acrylic and ink.


My new website linandara.com

Heart Symbols

In abstract, art, crafts, ethics, folk art, history, jewelry, relationship, traditions on January 27, 2014 at 16:24

The full wersion of the post is here.

It is not clear where the familiar shape originates. There was a plant widely used as a contraceptive in ancient Egypt (Silphium) which seeds were heart-shaped and even decorated coins (see the image).


The Heart shape was widely explored in Folk art, especially Dutch, Mexican, German and Polish, Welsh (lovespoons).

Today this symbol continues to evolve. For example the modern celtic knot style heart tatoos, the Polyamory hearts with either the eternity symbol or the “love outside the box” one, peace and love symbols merging together, etc.

I also did a Pinterest board dedicated to heart symbols: http://www.pinterest.com/artishfolk/know-your-hearts/