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Archive for the ‘time’ Category

Heart Symbols

In abstract, art, crafts, ethics, folk art, history, jewelry, relationship, traditions on January 27, 2014 at 16:24

The full wersion of the post is here.

It is not clear where the familiar shape originates. There was a plant widely used as a contraceptive in ancient Egypt (Silphium) which seeds were heart-shaped and even decorated coins (see the image).


The Heart shape was widely explored in Folk art, especially Dutch, Mexican, German and Polish, Welsh (lovespoons).

Today this symbol continues to evolve. For example the modern celtic knot style heart tatoos, the Polyamory hearts with either the eternity symbol or the “love outside the box” one, peace and love symbols merging together, etc.

I also did a Pinterest board dedicated to heart symbols: http://www.pinterest.com/artishfolk/know-your-hearts/

A couple of A.C . Grayling’s books – recently finished

In books, ethics, freedom, good life, history, moral issues, philosophy, politics, traditions on December 14, 2013 at 14:26

The Good Book: A Humanist Bible.
I normally really enjoy books by A.C. Grayling.  I’ve got few complaints about this one.  I don’t know if it’s only fault of the audio book but I found it frustrating that I didn’t know from where the quotes were taken.

I did really enjoyed the verses chapter. It was great to recognise a piece of poetry I’ve learned at school in another language!  On the whole I think the book should not had “Bible” in the title and somehow influencing its structure. Bible is not a greatest of our ancient texts and has been completely discredited over the centuries. 

I also think that this A.C . Grayling book would benefit from inclusion of modern philosophy.

Liberty in the Age of Terror: A Defence of Civil Liberties and Enlightenment Values.
It is right to be concerned with attacks on Civil Liberties.  However I think the author didn’t really shown how much better informed we are thanks to the technology and globalisation,  how much more opportunities we have to express our opinions to the whole world and to listen to opinions of others. The feeling of interdependence and interconnection (one small world!) does helps to promote the Enlightenment values by itself.

Union or divorce

In freedom, history, people, politics, relationship on December 2, 2013 at 20:48

Whatever the outcome, it is a sad picture when a country splits apart. On the emotional level, I am happy for Germany, reunited. I am happy that more countries join EU, even if there are some troubles and worries. I am happy for Switzerland which keeps its national unity even if its people speak different languages. It feels like a wedding or a long happy marriage. I am not so happy for Yugoslavia or Russia/Belarus/Ukraine, where most people spoke very similar languages, had similar history but they failed to stay together. Divorce is always a failure – even a civilized one (as long as we treat life long marriage as a positive thing).

When a country splits there are family, friend and business connections torn apart. Customs and visas may creep in, different laws, currencies, different holidays. There often a nasty stench of aggressive nationalism involved.

I think more personal and regional independence but more national (but not ethnically nationalist) unity is the step forward – not multiplying governments, boundaries, checkpoints, and bureaucracy.

Skirts and scarves issue / О платочках и юбках

In взаимоотношения, история, мораль, отношения, православие, ethics, freedom, history, moral issues, религия, свобода, традиции, христианство, people, relationship, religion, traditions on November 4, 2013 at 15:27

I should confess that I find the notion that women should cover their hair, legs or even faces extremely evil and perverse. It is nothing else but a remnant of the dark primitive times of total male domination.

Why did this domination happened to the human race in the first place? I guess just because on average males were physically stronger than average females.  It is interesting to try to imagine what would happened if the strength was equal or roles were reversed.

All the excuses like “women should cover up so they do not tempt men” are based on obvious inequality: men’s hair, proportional bodies and handsome faces could be just as attractive to women – yet men are not normally forced to cover themselves up!

Hopefully human race is growing out of the disgraceful dominance of the physically strong. I often feel the need to help this somehow. I even wanted to start a women’s movement against all this cover up business and to have members pledging never wear particular styles of scarves or skirts – as they are signs of oppression.

I really can never be a close friend to a person who willingly participate in this scarves, burkas, dresses and skirts masquerade. I don’t object people wearing whatever they want for the fun of it but I can’t accept a “moral” attitude to dress code and sickly fear of “divine” punishment for not keeping it. Neither can I feel any respect to the cultures which still enforce this ancient injustice not will I go as a tourist to countries where this is common. I boycott them and hope other self respecting individuals would do too.

We do have a dress code here in the so called West too but it is based on rational MUTUAL agreement do not display publicly any reproductive organs to avoid unnecessary distraction. As long as this is rational, doesn’t interfere with art and could be easily changed if people’s perception of each other changes in future, it’s Ok.

I don’t consider myself a feminist: this is a human rights issue.  By the contrast I am really surprised at ladies infuriated because somebody called them “flower”. Obviously the men who do this just want to please and if enough women will let them know they don’t enjoy being called “flower” nobody would do this in future.  It is also troubles me that western governments are trying to get same amount of men and women per every occupation. Having the same human rights doesn’t mean being the same. A number of women spend time doing something that men physically couldn’t: being pregnant and breastfeeding.  And good for them. Plus there are other physical and mental differences resulting in different lifestyle preferences. But nothing at all to hide on the head…


Должна признаться, что нахожу точку зрения будто женщины обязаны покрывать головы, ноги или даже лица исключительно порочной. Такое мнение – пережиток темных времен патриархата.

Как человечество оказалось в такой ситуации? Я думаю, просто потому, что в среднем самцы были сильнее самок. Интересно представить, что бы было, если бы роли поменялись или были бы равными.

Оправдания типа “женщины должны покрываться тряпками, чтобы не смущать мужчин” базируются на вопиющем неравноправии. Симпатичные лица, фигуры и волосы мужчин могут быть так же привлекательны для женщин, однако никто обычно не требует от мужчин прятаться!

Надеюсь, что человечество в скором времени вырастет из пережитков эпохи власти физической силы. Временами мне даже хочется этому как-то помочь, например, организовать движение женщин, отказывающихся надевать определенные типы платков и юпок – тех, которые навязываются разнообразными религиями.

Я вряд ли когда-нибудь смогу быть близким другом дам, которые сознательно участвует во всех этих маскарадах. Мне совершенно все равно, что люди носят, если они это делают для собственного удовольствия, но смирится с морализмом или глупым страхом божественного наказания в этом плане я не могу. Не могу я и испытывать уважение к культурам, которыедо сих пор активно навязывают такие атавистические взгляды и ни за что не поеду отдыхать в страны, где все это происходит. Надеюсь, и другие уважающие себя женщины поступают также.

Конечно, в современных Европе и Северной Америке существуют определенные правила, касающиеся одежды, но они, в общем, уже не базируются на суевериях, устаревших книгах, страхах и вопиющем неравенстве, поэтому меня они не беспокоят. Меняется мода – меняются и правила. Это нормально.

Я не считаю себя феминисткой. Принудительные юбки и платочки – это нарушение прав человека. Права у нас одинаковые, но это не значит, что мы – одно и то же. Глупо, нгапример, пытаться набрать то же число мужчин и женщин на каждый пост. Различная биология диктует различные устремления. Вот только на голове нет ничего такого, что необходимо прятать!

In history, philosophy, politics on August 10, 2013 at 19:30

“Whereas the hard power of bullets and bayonets can win battles, it is only soft power that can win wars” – A. C. Grayling

Postery artwork and artish posters

In art, color, время, искусство, история, history, time, travel on June 17, 2013 at 19:59

When East and West, North and South embraced each other, when prints became produced and sold on global scale, when the way we see the world became firmly affected by photography… 1890s-1950s. Beautiful postery style, both decorative and realistic, traditional and modern, Oriental and European reigned. Areas of flat color, bold composition and outlines are very typical for this period.

Russian Ballet Programme

Portrait of Miss Elizabeth Keith by Ito Shinsui, 1922

   A Gate at the Stupa of Sanchi by Hiroshi Yoshida. 1932

‘Lanterns’ (1906) by American artist Bertha Lum (1869-1954)

Carl Moser “Strickende Frau mit Booten” 1926

And much, much more

Православие на службе у Гитлера (цитаты)

In Россия, взгляд из Православия, история, мораль, национализм, политика, православие, религия, традиции, христианство on May 9, 2013 at 14:57
“Благодарственный Адрес Митрополита Анастасия Адольфу Гитлеру. 12 июня 1938 г.

Ваше Высокопревосходительство! Высокочтимый Господин Рейхсканцлер!

Когда мы взираем на наш Берлинский соборный храм, ныне нами освящаемый и воздвигнутый благодаря готовности и щедрости Вашего Правительства после предоставления нашей Святой Церкви прав юридического лица, наша мысль обращается с искренней и сердечной благодарностью, прежде всего, к Вам, как к действительному его создателю.

Мы видим особое действие Божьего Промысла в том, что именно теперь, когда на нашей Родине храмы и народные святыни попираются и разрушаются, в деле Вашего строительства имеет место и создание сего храма. Наряду со многими другими предзнаменованиями этот храм укрепляет нашу надежду на то, что и для нашей многострадальной Родины еще не наступил конец истории, что Повелевающий историей пошлет и нам вождя, и этот вождь, воскресив нашу Родину, возвратит ей вновь национальное величие, подобно тому, как Он послал Вас германскому народу.

Кроме молитв, возносимых постоянно за главу государства, у нас в конце каждой Божественной Литургии произносится еще и следующая молитва: “Господи, освяти любящих благолепие дому Твоего, Ты тех воспрослави Божественною Твоею силою…”. Сегодня мы особенно глубоко чувствуем, что и Вы включены в эту молитву. Моления о Вас будут возноситься не только в сем новопостроенном храме и в пределах Германии, но и во всех православных церквах. Ибо не один только германский народ поминает Вас с горячей любовью и преданностью перед Престолом Всевышнего: лучшие люди всех народов, желающие мира и справедливости, видят в Вас вождя в мировой борьбе за мир и правду”.. http://www.ateism.ru/article.htm?no=1402

“Как много общего с тем, что говорят современные батюшки и те, предавшие свою Родину, более 60 лет назад…. Те же призывы, цитаты “святых ” писаний и тот же злобный нечеловеческий настрой. Проходят десятилетия, века. Но, церковь так и остаётся на уровне пещерного каннибала, фарисействующего “о любви к ближним и врагам своим”.

Some thoughts on small towns’ centers decline

In 1990s, city, eco-friendly, good life, politics, powys, russian, shopping, traditions on March 24, 2013 at 08:52

About a year ago I went  to Norfolk and lost my gloves. It was bitterly cold, my hands always get cracked in these conditions so I went to several shops trying to buy new gloves or mittens. They look at me as they never heard about items of clothing like that.  Apparently they wouldn’t sell them till next winter…

Yesterday (deep wet show on the ground) I desperately needed new snow boots and, again, to my surprise, met the very surprised look. Fortunately for me a kind lady working in the shop went to storage and fetched some boots for me. Why there is attitude like that? It is often cold and still could snow in March and April, so why are they not interested in making money and helping people? I often feel that the economic trouble in this country is to some extent to do with apathy.

Many are worried about decline of Newtown  now. People don’t want to buy anything apart from bare necessities. Some blame supermarkets. But I am looking at my neighbours at the market and in the area – small business owners – and supermarkets have nothing to do with their struggle. Tesco don’t sell craft supplies, vine making supplies, handmade arts and crafts, etc. The lady who sells bread and eggs here always has customers despite all supermarkets sell similar food too. Supermarkets help people – me and the family, we wouldn’t survive without their cheep food, home deliveries and large variety of items. So don’t blame them, please. Don’t blame charity shops either – they actually help people on both ends. I lived through a crisis in Moscow in 90s without any charity shops and it was tough.

Because of insecurity people are very carefull about their shopping. And lots of shops are getting closed. But, think about that: who really needed 10 clothes shops in a little town? And mostly selling very similar items too. It is boom which was crazy – not bust. It is getting back to some normality now, in my opinion. People used to buy new items when the old ones were still perfectly OK and that was wrong. It is not realistic to hope for this situation to go on forever. It is not sustainable.

Rather than trying to compete with supermarkets and Internet, I think the town centers should become something completely different to survive. Shops and cafes should be truly unique. Rents should be lower. The council should also partly sponsor all sorts of local groups and clubs to have outlets here – making town centers the places where people came to socialize, not just shop. Benches to sit (protected from the rain) and more playgrounds would help too. More security against vandals, drunks and hooligans. After living in Moscow it surprised me how early everything shut down here – apart from pubs. Because of this town centers are not very nice place to be in the evenings. I don’t think this is right. Longer shop opening hours and the town not being completely dead on Sundays would bring more life on the streets. I think, it could be done, unless we all are just drowned in apathy…



In 1990s, Британия, США, весна, красота, лето, фотки, photography, spring, summer, travel on March 5, 2013 at 16:56

#three #seagulls. .. #latergram #all_shots #edit #mextures #dreamy #linandara_animals #linandara_retro #birds #gulls #sea #seaside #Norfolk #Britain #leaks #water #instamillion #picoftheday

At the #community #garden #today. .. #Newtown #NewtownPowys #snowdrops #flowers #floral #white #spring #close_up #closeup #chasingspring #linandara_plants #soft_tones

Same garden, another #flower. .. #helleborus #hellebore #Wales #chasingspring #spring #all_shots #NewtownPowys #pink #today #sunny #floral #colorful #soft_tones #beautiful #solo_flower #close_up #closeup #plants #plant #цветок #linandara_plants #linandara_retro

“Neither can the wave that has passed by be recalled, nor the hour which has passed return again.” – Ovid #sunset #today #Wales #Newtown #NewtownPowys #sky #небо #clouds #cloudy #sunset_madness #glow #sun #linandara_sunset #hills #valley

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On changing attitudes

In art, ethics, good life, moral issues, people, philosophy, religion, time, traditions, writing on March 2, 2013 at 12:51

“I don’t believe in witches, but I don’t call myself an ahexist.”- this is Jonathan Miller saying “No” to negative self-definition. Fortunately it is normal now in the West not to believe in witches and other supernatural stuff. Calling somebody atheist is a bit strange really.

Recently a woman came to my shop and asked me if I want some leaflets for single parents. .. I was a bit surprised and said I am not a single parent and she may leave her leaflets at the designated area of the Market. She wouldn’t leave. “Look, there is more useful information in there”. Even more surprised, I looked. After first paragraph the word “Bible” started to creep in. This is what it was all about! I asked her few questions about why she believed (“Jesus told me” and “it’s the most printed book in the world”), asked her about horrible facts from her favourite book (she approved genocide with ease) and shamed her for trying to brainwash people. And with stealth too – wich was dishonest and disgusting – but this shows how ashamed they are themselves about their own teachings.

Two Mormon girls who surrounded me on the street few days later have been slightly more open. “We do not trying to change your mind, just come to us and be happy! ” Really? What if I am already happy? No reply. Why do you believe the stuff you teach? “Because we feel that it is so”… Well, I don’t. The funniest thing was that they turned out to be from Russia too – in the middle of the conversation. Probably they were from the Ural or Siberia. New Russian export – the Mormons…

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